
°° wouter van de voorde °°

I am essentially a landscape painter. When I started making images I was painting outside with my easel in the middle of the night, trying to capture the darkness in oil-painting. I explore(d) my urbanenvironment by foot or by bike, carefully mapping my battleground. From day one it was all about capturing places that had an atmospherical charge to it.
Through a shit-storm of soul-searching and surrealist detours in painting, photography has brought me back to the essence of my love for image making: portraying fragments of reality, attempting to construct images strong enough to carry the mood I wish to create. I can’t restrict myself to one particular concept, although the vowels and consonants of the landscape’s alphabet dictate my phrases.
Moving from Belgium to Australia has made me into a photographer in exile. As a permanent tourist I seek refuge in my images, trying to create a sense of belonging for myself.
I live and work in Canberra, Australia 
for inquiries mail to woutervandevoorde[at]gmail.com 

my work is represented by The Photography Room